
Showing posts from March, 2023

Todays reflection

 Today, we did an overview of the American Literature Eoc assessment. We read two passages. One of the passages was called “Dealing with student debt”. That passage was basically talking about how graduates are in debt. Me personally, i always knew college was expensive; however, i didn’t know it was that expensive.

Today’s reflection

 Today in class, we did vocabulary out the book. I got put out the class because Ms.Cook start doing too much. I did my work and turned it in to Ms.Shade. That’s really all we did today. 

Today’s reflection

 Today in class we went over two short stories. The stories was talking about how technology would expand. The worksheet made us cite evidence. After citing evidence, we had to compare the main ideas. 

Today’s reflection

Today in class we went over a poem. After going over the poem, we analyzed it. I’m not sure what we did afterwards because i got pulled out of class after lunch.

March 24 Reflection

 Today in class, we went over what we were doing. Before lunch, we went with Ms.Shade and got out test. We focused on our test after lunch. The test was on the book “fences”. After doing the multiple answer part of the test, we had to write 3 paragraphs. 

March 23 Reflection

Today in class, i came in tardy. When i came in, everyone had papers for a powerpoint project. Today was really a chill day. We focused on the project. 

March 22 reflection

 Today in class, we did vocabulary words out the book. It was 15 words. After writing the word and definition, we had to do exercise 1 and 3. We also had to write 2 sentences using the vocabulary words. I’m getting used to doing vocabulary out the book. It’s a good way for us to read it and understand it ourselves.

Feb 6- Feb 10

 I was absent that week because i was out of town

Todays reflection

  Today in class, we continued watching the play for the story Fences. As we watched the play, we answered a series of questions about the play.  Watching the play gives us more feeling about what was going on because when we was reading it I felt like it just kept going on and on especially how people were reading the story.

Mondays Reflection

  Today we Watched the Play for the story Fences and we answered a series of questions about the play.  Watching the play gives us more feeling about what was going on because when we was reading it I felt like it just kept going on and on especially how people were reading the story. Watching the Play gave me more feeling about what the Story was actually about.

Today’s reflection

 Today in class, we finished presenting out group projects. After presenting,  we did vocabulary words out the book. While doing the vocabulary, we had to do the workbook exercises. 

Today’s reflection!

 In class, some people presented their group project. We really didn’t do much today. It was really like a cool day to be honest. After lunch, we had to work on a quiz about the story “Ambush”. When we got done with the quiz, we continued chilling.

Wednesdays reflection

 Today in class we worked in our groups to do this worksheet. I was worked by myself. My assignment was to find quotes. While I was finding quotes, I had to discuss the quotes.